Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Work-Taking up the airbrush!

Hi everyone: I'm sorry that I haven't updated this blog in a few months, life has just gotten in the way. However, I have made time to still do my artwork, and I have plenty to post. As you all may know, my first love is pen and ink, but recently I have become a bit burned out with it. Or rather with all of that stippling. I'm not going to stop doing pen and ink or stippling entirely, but I really need to start producing more work quicker, so I have taken up another medium-the airbrush. I only started four days ago with the airbrush, but I think I have become quite good with it in this short amount of time, though I still have a long way to go. I use a combination of airbrush and paintbrush for the details. I know that there are people out there who do photorealistic work with an airbrush and get sharp details with it, but I'm not sure how they do it with a tool that seems to be made for doing soft-focus work and backgrounds. At any rate, I've never been a photorealist, and it's no sin to combine tools for the effect that one wants. And I think I've arrived at a unique style. So enough, with the introduction, I will start off my showing some of my first airbrushed efforts and then my later finished pieces. All images except for the self-portrait are from the wetcanvas image library. The first eagle, and the smoker, and the clouds are airbrushed without the use of a paintbrush for details. The blue-violet eagle and the self-portrait show the use of a paintbrush to bring the image into sharper focus.

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