Friday, October 27, 2006

New Work-Sorry it's been so long.

Hi everyone. I'm sorry it's been so long that I've posted anything. Life gets in the way sometimes. However, I have been very busy drawing and sketching, and I have plenty of work to post.
The first two are of a pen and ink drawing that I'm doing. It's being done with rapidographs and acrylic ink. It's taking me forever, but it's worth it in my estimation.
The second is of a sratchboard and acrylic painting. It's my homemade version of scratchboard, which didn't work out too well, hence the acrylic background to the cat. But it was a learning experience. I took a gesso coated hardboard panel and covered it with ink. The ink hardened too much the second day to scratch through very well. I colored the cat with acrylic ink. I gave this one to my mother as a gift, since it's a portriat of her cat Precious.

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